Monday, April 15, 2013

Hybrid Models 2 & 3

After taking various comments into consideration, I went back to the drawing board and created 2 more hybrid models which are based on the same idea but placed/joined differently. The main base of these models came from a study model of 2 triangles:

From observing the study model, I began to think about various activities or objects in my collages that had triangles or created a basic triangular shape. I came up with nothing until I saw the picture of a swimmer. I looked at various images of the stages of the swimming motion and it was there that I saw the triangular shapes that I tied or combined with the study model. By sketching out my various ideas, I went from a curved triangular shape to a more linear one.

Sketch 1

 Sketch 2

After choosing to go with my more linear sketches and presenting them to my professors, I created the 2 hybrid models based off of some of the feedback.

Hybrid 2
 For this hybrid, I had 2 separate structures to mimic the study model. The study model is made up of 2 triangles with the same angles but at different scale. For the hybrid, both structures are the same size but are at different elevations.

Hybrid 3
 Hybrid 3 is the same idea as the hybrid above but instead of them being separate structures, my professor gave me the idea of combining them into one mass so I came up with the hybrid shown above.

To get a better idea of how they would look on the site, I made scaled up models and placed them on the site.

Hybrid 2: Scaled up on site

Hybrid 3: Scaled up on site with lower triangle towards the water.

Hybrid 3: Scaled up on site with higher triangle towards the water.


Hybrid Model 1

Building upon the intertwined wires, I came up with a bigger version of the study model but I combined it with a nerve because of the great amount of similarities. After placing the hybrid model on the site, I sketched out a couple of components and ideas on how it would become a structure.






Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Study Models 2

On my second attempt, I completed the 3 models for each collage for a total of 9.


 Model 1: Using regular paper to represent the communication waves from satellites. I pierced the base since the waves travel through most objects.

 Model 2: For this model, I threw on some green turf on the base to represent land and abstracted a pier to show the connection that it provides between land and water.

 Model 3: Having had experience in the electrical field, one thing that embodied the word CONNECTION were splices between wires. I took various wires and spliced the ends to create what could be looked at as a nerve.


 Model 1: I took the cubes in the glass of water from the collage and recreated them with wood cubes. I chose this picture because of the shadow that the cubes cast which further emphasizes the impression of Loneliness.

 Model 2: Although it is meant to represent loneliness, this representation of a DNA strand is the complete opposite of it. A single DNA strand has multitudes of connections.

 Model 3: To me nothing looks or evokes the feeling of loneliness more than a single living thing in a blank background. I chose to represent a my impression with a tree because although it represents loneliness, it somehow also gives you the feeling that it is somehow Good or that there is hope.

 Model 1: Nothing represents knowledge more than a book so for my first model, I chose to recreate a book.

 Model 2: Art is a very important part of a neighborhood and a culture but in order to create art, an artist needs tools. Although this model is literal, each tool can represent something in the community center because both are very similar. In order for a community center to do its work, it needs various tools or parts to accomplish it.

 Model 3: Lastly, this model is the lone abstract one (in my opinion) of the three from the Program collage. This model represents the activity of kayaking but I abstracted it to represent multiple things. The painted paper represents the water and its flowing motion. The piercing oar has ends made of small trees because it is a connection to nature made through the activity itself. This is very much like us humans in a community center. People go in and out of a community center everyday but not one day is ever the same and the connections are the ones made in the community center through books, sports, or tutoring.

Study Models 1

After creating the 3 collages, we had to come up with 3 study models for each collage in order to continue developing our final form for our structure.

On my first attempt my models were too developed and not abstract.

Model 1: This model is a hybrid that represents the Connection and Program collages. The wave paper represents the waves transmitted by a satellite and the mesh paper is used to hide the wave from view since we cant see satellite waves. The wave ends with piers connecting the structure to the ocean. The side green objects was what represents the Program element since i wanted to include a community garden.  

Model 2: The only model that wasn't a hybrid, it is solely based on my Impression collage. I focused on the feeling of loneliness that I felt at the site.

  Model 3: The last model is a hybrid of Connection and Impression. The two tilted triangles represent the Connection aspect because they are the same exact shape but at different scales. I tilted the triangles to show a connection between the structure and the base. The Impression component comes from the lone path in the middle that is walled up by the mesh paper.