Monday, May 20, 2013

Presentation Boards for Red Hook Community Center


 The boards are my preliminary boards for my class presentation. I will be posting pictures of my physical model as well.


  1. Dear Heriberto,

    I am glad I see the great progress that you made! Congratulations! I think that the project took the right path. I especially like the section,with the big slope in the middle.
    What I would suggest is, that instead of the small pier, that look bit naive, maybe you could make a wider pier/slope that will be extension of the slope form the inside. So the section will be even more attractive if this slope connects the inside with the outside. With that, the pier could look more attractive too.

    Good job anyway!

    1. Thank you very much for all the helpful comments that you have given me. I am very proud of the final outcome of my project but I will continue to work on it to make it better.

  2. Dear Heriberto
    I echo Elena's comments above in terms of excellent progress. My comments are about the external elevations - I can see how the section echoes the plan form, and I like how the whole building appears to lean out towards the water, as if a great pull of gravity is forcing it outwards. I like the external treatment of pattern distortion, metamorphisation which follows the same rationale - however, I think that the top pointed roof is too sharp and too predictable perhaps - and that I would ask you to think of softening this, or making it more complex and sophisticated? I would also ask you to consider the nature of all the external spaces around the building you are creating, in terms of vistas, climate, and sun/shade in order that each area can work well with the interiors. Lastly, I don't know if your gallery will be windowless? but it would interesting to frame a particular external view from a gallery window. This has been done very successfully in the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England (by Chipperfield).
    Well done for all your hard work on this.

    1. Thank you very much for all of the helpful examples of buildings that I never knew about in England. You have been very helpful and I appreciate all of the feedback. I will continue working on this project and trying to make it better. I am definitely very proud of my project's final outcome.

  3. Very impressive indeed... it is very good to see that the design has a iconic language to it... which would sort of revive the identity of the place. I also think the simplicity of the form makes it more elegant. however, I would love to see more purpose to the face and the skins. Are these structurally more performative? Or climatically responsive? they could even reflect use of materials from the local ports which would be more of reviving the historic importance...
    Good work!

    1. You could even make the facade dynamic... which would be responsive to the wind (since its on the shore) or solar responsive (more energy efficient and the light in the interior spaces could be based on the external conditions).

  4. Hello Heriberto.
    Congratulations for a wonderful work. You demonstrated a remarkable progression since day 1. You managed the development of your building within the boundaries of your initial premises without compromising too much, which denotes a high degree of reasoning and a lot of hard work.
    There are a lot of things that could improve in your project (as in all projects) but I will not be nitpicking them. Overall, if it were built, this building could be a wonderful showcase of environmentally friendly solutions, integrated in the facades or in the roofing, harvesting the sun and the wind. The interior lighting could also be designed to react to luminosity (it is a common feature nowadays). This would give you the chance to further develop the facades, roofing and the overall relations between elements, refining and perfecting the final outcome.
    You would also have the opportunity to further develop the interior spaces, which would be wonderful (I really enjoy the auditorium in the center and the slope that goes to the gallery/exhibition). Personally, I would like to see the full design of some places like the restaurant (with tables in the dining area, equipped kitchen, detailed restrooms,etc), the general bathrooms and some other spaces but I understand that time is a scarce asset and that other classes are time consuming as well. I do share Ms. Elena's opinion regarding the pier. It could have been better "delivered".
    Nonetheless its a very good effort and you have a lot of reasons to be proud. I am.
