Monday, March 18, 2013


Cold, Lonely, Wet, and Constricted: These words describe my impression of the site based on my first visit. The collage I created  visually expresses these words.

Cold - Glass of water with ice cubes.

Lonely - Lone glass of water with a shadow of a person that 
symbolizes "cold loneliness".

Constricted - The narrow/lone cobbled path.

Rain - Literal representation.

 Connection is the main topic of my second collage. I chose to go in a "scientific"  visual representation. My main components that represent connection in my collage are: Molecules, Satellite/Dishes, Visual Connection, Nerve, and DNA strands.

Molecules - represent connection in themselves.

Satellite/Dishes & DNA Strands - represent connection because even though they are far away from each other, they are still able to interact in a way that we cannot see but I represented the connection with DNA strands.

Visual Connection & Nerve - I chose to represent this with side x-rays of a head on opposite sides and showing the visual connection with a nerve which also connects and is what we need in order to make the visual connection.


My final collage is based on my program. I used the brain to represent the singular mindset that a Community Center tries to achieve and that is helping the community and its' residents. From that singular mindset comes the different components that aid in the process to actually achieve it. Since my Community Center is based in Red Hook, I represented it with a hook "tattoo" on one of the main arms but I also want to incorporate the other 4 boroughs of NYC and therefore represented them all of them with 5 main arms reaching for the singular goal.



  1. I don't know if I can be helpful with this post since its a very personal and therefore subjective analysis based on your visit to the site but i will try.
    The 4 words (Cold, Lonely, Wet, and Constricted) that describe your initial approach to the site represent your feelings at a single moment at a given day.
    There will be warmer days, there will be dryer, sunnier days and there will be days in which people will be together. You probably just went there alone and in a bad day. :)
    Nonetheless those words/feelings (solitude/loneliness, cold, rain) can be poured into your building with different purposes and effects. They can serve the purpose to validate a design "style" you want to pursue, a "vision" for the site that you want to see materialized, a "leitmotif" for your work. They can also serve as a stranglehold to your creativity by forcing you to maintain only one path in the overall design (there is no rule that stops you from pursuing simultaneously in a preliminary phase a strong/austere building and a cheerful/inviting one). I can relate to the will of trying to produce something with strong poetic meaning and feeling but sometimes things just grow naturally along the way. Just try different approaches and please try not to stick too much to just one palette of feelings/intentions/colors/uses/routines/construction systems/*insert anything here*.
    the same goes for the themes inspired in DNA/satellites/molecules/nerves (I see you have been working these themes in your collages).
    By the way: brains and Homer Simpson are an odd combination...

    1. I actually have been working on hybrid models and while creating them, certain aspects popped up that I had no intention of creating. While I do try to have meaning behind everything i create in my models, i try to have that meaning be different to different people who see it. As for the brain in my collage, I used it to represent the "Single Mindset" that the programs in a community center have which is to help and enrich the community around it. Homer Simpson on the other hand, I used him to represent popular followings in a culture which is what I believe Brooklyn is about and Homer Simpson in a way has had a strong impact on the culture of NYC and people who are part of the culture are all connected because of what they like and dislike.

  2. Earlier i meant to say study models instead of collages *(I see you have been working these themes in your collages)*

  3. Your collages are too symbolic and too narrative. If you had a cold kind of feeling, the feeling can not be described by a glass of cold water, it is too naive. Also, NYC has a lot of popular culture icons and Homer Simpson is surely not one of them. Please try to use different signs and try to apply deeper philosophy on your project.

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