Monday, March 18, 2013

Main Spaces

For this assignment, I analyzed the main spaces or spaces of major attraction in my program and researched a bit on how to design them. My research showed me the importance of scale, distance, positioning, and height of my spaces and/or objects within the space.



  1. As you can infer by your analysis of the main spaces there are a multitude of forms that will be "living" next to each other. This can be both an opportunity and a challenge: an opportunity to take advantage of the richness of their forms and to improve and enhance the overall aspect and functionality of your building and a challenge to make it all work together with a sense of unity (be it by integration or by contrast).
    Either way I am certain that you will "harness" their richness and differences and will come up with something grand.

  2. I can see you started thinking of the contents more precisely. I hope you are aware of the complexity of the building that you are designing as well of her parts. So you should use any help you find. Metric Handbook is also useful tool for designing any type of building.

    You should also be careful with organizing the entrance halls in front of every bigger room, they should be at least half as big as the room next to them.
